Oral medicine and radiology

Oral medicine and radiology

Oral medicine and radiology


To create well refined oral diagnosticians excelling in multidisciplinary approach to oral and paraoral diseases.


  • To excel in patient care and provide effective and economic expert care in the field of Oral medicine
  • To promote research and innovations in the field
  • To create an awareness among public and professionals regarding the significance of oral diagnosis and management of medically compromised patients


Oral medicine involves the diagnosis and medical management of diseases pertaining to the Oro-facial tissues. It also includes the oral and dental treatment of medically compromised patients along with management of oral manifestations of systemic diseases, Oral diseases are properly diagnosed after thorough case history and examination followed by investigations accordingly. A treatment plan is formulated and the patient is referred to the necessary departments for treatment.

Orofacial pain, Temporomandibular disorders (TMD’s), Mucosal diseases, oral cancer screening, Diagnosis and complications of cancer therapy, Salivary dysfunction and Oral complications of systemic illness are dealt in the Oral medicine section. Investigations including indicated radiographs are taken and evaluated for diagnosis


Dr. Ancy Kuriakose
Dr. Ancy Kuriakose


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Dr. Merin George
Dr. Merin George


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Dr. Deepu Thomas Mathew
Dr. Deepu Thomas Mathew


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